Sunday, April 4, 2010

Running a water line

This is the machine I rented to extend a water line to our new barn. It is called a Ditch Witch and it dug a 4 inch wide hole down 30 inches and 90 feet long in about an hour and a half. The 4 inch wide hole is perfect for back filling and trying to grow new grass in a short time.

This is the line I ran from an existing water line I ran a few years ago to the small smoke house on the right. We have a four square garden and it is about 100 feet from my house. This saved running several lengths of hose to the garden. I also ran electric up at the same time so I have lights in the smal shed.

Here is the other end of the line where I found my existing water line.

When I put my water line in several years ago, I ran electric next to it in a water line conduit. My friend Mark Cordell suggested at the time that I put about 6 inches of soil down and then put a warning tape down so if I tried to dig it up I would know I was getting close. I thought of a product called sill seal because it comes in a large roll and it is about 4 inches wide. That way, if I dug down I would know when I was getting close to the water line. This worked perfectly ! You can see the two ends of the sill seal sticking out from each side of the hole.
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