Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pouring the walls

To my surprise, 3 concrete trucks showed up at the same time about 1:00. Dave the lead worker told me that we had 20+ cubic yards of concrete ordered for the pour.

It didn't take long to start with 20 yards to go. It was a very controlled pour with no rushing around. The mix was wetter than I imagined and Dave said it would make a better finish when they were done.

The inside of the form has a 2 inch styrophome spacer that will later be removed by me and there will be a brick ledge that the floor will sit on when it is poured. The worker here is holding the form up and they clamped a 2 X 4 on top of the form because it starts to float towards the top. Nothing holds this in place but the weight of the concrete.

Pouring the front of the wall that steps down to allow cars and trailers to be backed in.

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