Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Marking the post footers

This is the view after the stone was put in place. It took 2 dump trucks of stone to fill it.

After the excavator left I discovered that he put too much stone in the center section. Both ends are supposed to have 4 inches of concrete and the center bays are supposed to have 6 inches of concrete. It took me 2 days, about 3 hours each day to shovel out the extra stone by hand.

This view shows the plastic in place and the 1/2 inch rebar in place. The walls were drilled about 3 inches deep for the re-bar and this should keep it from cracking if the material below it settles. I am marking where each bent will go to locate the posts that will be out in the barn. Each post is supposed to have a 24 by 24 by 8 inch footer underneath for strength.

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