Monday, May 3, 2010

Putting Lath on the barn

This is a nice view after the cupola was installed and all of the Lath is in place, Ready for a roof! This was pretty amazing considering we only had a foundation and a large stack of wood a week earlier.

This is Jeff and I putting the finishing touches on the roof. Here we are cutting off the tails to the 1 X 4 oak lath that we put on to the roof. Our metal roof will attach directly onto this.

This is the platform I built to work off of on the roof using the Pettybone. First I picked up the 12 foot long lumber, second I installed the standing platform that held all of our tools for the lath install. The pettybone was worth it's weight in gold because of this. Each of the 1 X 4's were very heavy and we would have struggled getting it up onto the roof.
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