Monday, May 3, 2010

Installing the cupola

Here I am installing the cupola base more securely. I am concerned about the wind we get up on this hill so I went over board securing it. I am confidant that it will hold now.

In this view you can see that I had to cut off one of the existing rafters and I ran it into the side of the cupola. All of the lumber is 2 inch by 8 inch rough cut oak that I bought at a local sawmill. It weighs a ton!

This is my friend Jeff Rhodes. He came over to help me install the cupola. He used the Pettybone to gently put the cupola right into place. The entire operation went pretty smooth. It took 4 sections of scaffolding to reach the height I needed and then I had to set it close to the top to work up in the cupola.

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1 comment:

  1. You should tell all your followers the story of how you got stuck up in the cupola. :-)
