Saturday, May 22, 2010

Installing the big doors 1

This is our safety rope holder, Sandy. The door out weighed her by about 300 pounds. Luckily it did not pull her up to the ceiling.

The doors are massive, They are 7 feet wide by 12 feet high. Two of them have pocket doors in them. I am pretty sure they are made of 1 inch thick redwood. They have hundreds of 3/8 inch through bolts in them. They are well made.

Here Freddie and Michael are positioning the door for installation. We used long digging irons and blocks to take it up gradually. They all fit back onto their original hinges. I think each door weighs about 400 pounds. The 3 doors we installed today took about 2 hours total.

Michael's friend Adam helped also and he is a welder by profession. He is going to make me a replacement pin for the only one that was broken.
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1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha! I can see mom getting launched through the roof. Still holding on, gritting her teeth and screaming "Rob! Are they in place?!?"
