Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The light beams

Freddie and Jenn again helped me out by helping me hoist the beams up that will hold the lights that were in a prior post. Thank goodness Freddie is strong because I think the beams weighed about 300 pounds each, We put one end up like a ladder and then hooked a series of pulleys to them to hoist them into place. Sandy and Jenn were down manning the ropes. One of these beams was 14 feet long and one was 15 feet long. They are both about 7 X 7 square beams.

Nothing fazes Freddie. It must have been 100 degrees where we were in the barn and we still got them into place.

Here I am crawling around the other end of the beam. You can tell by my shirt just how hot it was.
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