Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This is the barn we chose located in Reading PA. It is hand hewn oak and it consists of 5 bents (one bent is a single wall of posts and beams). There will be 4 bays inside the garage. The overall dimensions are 30 by 50 by 23 feet tall. The picture to the left is "bent A".

This is the back of the barn. You may notice that there are 6 "bents" in this picture. The 6th bay was a later addition to the barn and it does not match the construction of the first 5 "bents" and we did not purchase it. It was used to repair any of the wood that was not good in "bents" 1 to 5.Posted by Picasa


  1. This is the barn that we found in Reading PA. It was originally built in 1862 and it is constructed from hand hew oak timbers. The barn measures 30 by 50 feet, We are moving the barn to Waynesboro PA.

  2. Awesome idea for the blog!!! Let us know about the "Tar Party"!

  3. I'm so excited to watch the process! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. See, I told you a blog would be easy!

    It looks GREAT!

  5. Thanks for all of the comments and encouragement. I will try to do my best to keep it updated.

  6. I am so glad my Stephanie has already had her wedding!! You Beaumont's sure know how to plan a spectacular wedding! What a wonderful idea, and I will so enjoy watching the progress until we get to see it in person on the "Big Day" Jennie is a lucky girl to have her Dad move heaven and earth (ok PA to PA ) to make her wedding day truly her's and Freddie's. Jennie is one of the most beautiful young woman I have ever known, and will be such a beautiful bride in her beautiful barn!! Congrats Mr. Beaumont on such a thoughtful plan! We can't wait!
    Our best to you all,
    Ellen Marks

  7. Thanks Ellen, I can't wait for the big day either. Thanks for all of the nice comments. I hope it turns out as good as I think it will.
    I can't wait to enjoy it.


  8. What an amazing gift to your daughter! Will you come build me a barn when my girls are old enough?! It looks amazing- Can I come by and visit when I am home in July? Would love to see it (and your family) in person!!
    Michelle (Rudy) Mirkovich
