Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pouring the footers

I contracted with Uni-foundations to pour the footers and the support walls. The footer is a minimum of 8 inches deep and 24 inches wide. The walls will be 4 feet high and 12 inches wide. They are made of 3000PSI concrete reinforced with 1/2 steel rebar. There will be 12 inch by 1/2 inch pins every 4 feet around the perimeter of the wall to hold down the sill plate.
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Marking for the footers

Mark Cordell stopped by and helped me lay out where the footers had to be dug.

Mark holding up the marking machine.

All of the lines were transferred back onto the excavated area so that we could set our lines for the excavation.

Dave Crouse excavated the footer area with a backhoe. I installed the rough in lumbing for the sewer if I ever decide to put it in.Posted by Picasa

Breaking Ground

This is our excavation guy, Dave Crouse arriving to start digging our footers.

This is his first pass as he skims off the topsoil.

We had about two feet of topsoil that he peeled back and put into a pile.

He has the ground fairly level here.

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This is our new barn arriving to our property in Waynesboro PA. It will be on two acres that we own next to the lot our main house is on.

I rented a Pettibone to have the barn unloaded. It sure made things easier and we unloaded in about two hours.

This is a picture with my friend Don McBride who has been taking pictures of the progress as we go.

This is the empty truck leaving our property.Posted by Picasa

This is the barn we chose located in Reading PA. It is hand hewn oak and it consists of 5 bents (one bent is a single wall of posts and beams). There will be 4 bays inside the garage. The overall dimensions are 30 by 50 by 23 feet tall. The picture to the left is "bent A".

This is the back of the barn. You may notice that there are 6 "bents" in this picture. The 6th bay was a later addition to the barn and it does not match the construction of the first 5 "bents" and we did not purchase it. It was used to repair any of the wood that was not good in "bents" 1 to 5.Posted by Picasa